Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Find New Friends On

One of most popular site categories is community website. They become famous caused of their facility to getting new friends and keep in touch users each other. Friendster is one of great phenomenon for the example. Friendster has a large members, maybe more of million, for just getting new friends and photo sharing each other. This will be interest thing for advertisers to place their ads or banner to promote their products.

Other community site example is, this site provides not only getting friend or photo sharing, but also space for blogging, chat rooms, and musics with their sout cast server facilities.
With about 600 members, 700 photos, 2000 friendships, and 40 blog entries, this new community site will be growing up become a new famous community site. Most of facility in this site are familiar for a new member, because their kind layout is alike an earlier friendster version. Shout cast server is a new facility at this site. They announce it few days ago in their recent news section. Shout cast known as a server that provides free streaming music online, whatever the music source is. Sometimes other sites using this shout cast server as an online radio.

With all their facility for community members, it is interesting to join 3gb community

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